Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hey everyone!

So here's what's going on with Octopie.
Rachel, Amanda, and I are all starting college within the next week or too :/ but that doesn't mean we won't still be posting more and more new things! :) It will just be a little slower, probably (is it possible to get any slower?!). Who knows.
Anyways, as far as I go, I finished Brandon's order, and I'm five to ten inches away from finishing Andy's order. So...
We have got two dresses that I reconstructed. The one is up on the store, and the other is sitting on my chair waiting for me to take pictures. It is a vintage handmade dress that someone created in like, the sixties or seventies. It's awesome. I brought the hem up and stuff so it's a bit updated. It used to be a maxi dress.
I will continue to work on dresses and such so you girls will have spring/summer dresses! Unfortunately, I am not sure I will be able to do any sizes besides a small or medium (if I'm lucky) because my dress dummy only goes up to a certain size. Some things with elastic i will be able to make larger.
Either way, there will be stuff on the way! Just be patient :)

Love, Jess

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hey everyone!

So, I'm about 30 stitches away from finishing our first dress, the Maria Dress. There is only one total of the dress, so whoever buys it is guaranteed a dress that no one else will have!
It's also handsewn, which is why it took me FOREVER to finish. Anyways, only a few more products and the etsy shop will be up!

Love, Jess

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hey everyone!

Christmas is coming up, and I have a crapload of stuff to do- we are talking hats, scarves, and a few pieces of art for those closest to me. Anyways, I just wanted to let everyone know that we are busy, that is why we haven't been able to like, post or write anything really for a little while. As soon as I get Christmas presents done, I will start working on stuff to go on etsy (and finishing orders :D). So, be patient with us!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Our website is up! It is still in the process of being created, but you guys can all look at the under construction page, if you want :D


Friday, December 4, 2009

Kay, so, my last class was today. I have a few finals next week, and then I am free!

Morgan= Your gloves are just about finished.
Selena= Your black beanie is done. It's gonna need to be worn a few times, to stretch it out, but other than that, it looks awesome.
Kristine= I haven't gotten your yarn yet. As soon as I finish Morgan's gloves, I will go for another yarn run.
Rachel's friend Andy= I don't have the yarn for you yet either. When I go for Kristine's yarn, I will get yours.
Sarai= We will discuss your dress when you come over.

Am I missing anyone? Just sold another order today.

Anyways, I'm totally psyched, because I came up with a BUNCH of new things to try making. It'll be awesome. I will have many many many things to sell on Etsy. I'm so excited :D


Friday, November 27, 2009

Okay, so I have now decided that instead of making custom clothes, I am just going to start out making stuff and people can buy whatever they like. Doing custom stuff is so hard, haha.

BUT... the stuff I will be making will still be freakin' awesome and one of a kind, so it's a win-win situation.

I do need to know how many people would want prom dresses, though. I don't wanna make those and then have them sit around without anyone buying them.

Love, Jess

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Okay, yeah, so I know that a fashion line should have a legitimate website and stuff, but I just love this blog so much!

We will figure out a website once we have a running fanbase.
We will have an etsy up as soon as we have merchandise (I hate that word) in stock.

We are not sure what exactly we will be making yet. We have been talking about not only the hats, gloves, scarves, etc, along with jewelry, but screenprinted t-shirts and bags or something. Maybe even Mukluks.
Dresses too, but those will not be as well stocked considering they take a crapload more time, and because only one of us can actually sew. Either way, it will be awesome.

Things will start getting stocked come Christmas break (Dec 11-Jan 19).

So, until then, everyone order stuff! We can do jewelry and winter stuff custom right now.
Just ask!

Ways to contact me: Facebook: Jess Myers, or the fan page "Octopie"
